World News Agency
Recently, number of mediums are increasing day by day. since news portal the effective medium has introduced since then the bouderies and concepts of news and Batmi has been completely changed. Breaking means news, to understand a lot in short period of time and when this news go through from Batmi there is fear to lost its importance. To keep alive this news and to bring that news for all we are experimenting (World News Agency). this experiment will be for each news reporter and for each journalist who think they have mobile and can do journalism. There are two effective factors in our society first is those who have news and another one is those who have effective medium for news. But they can not provide efficient news. we will work on these two factors to come together and work. world news agency is the bridge between these two factors. From this social value, the value of history journalism will be cultivated. The news giver and the news receiver both will get their value through 'World News Agency'.

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